Have you ever heard of the "Chapter Book Challenge"? The Chapter Book Challenge takes place every Friday. The teachers call out 5 numbers and if one of the numbers is your number, you win! But only if you have BOTH your home and school reading log filled out completely! If you win, you get a note card to write a a review and a "book spine". The color of the "book spine" depends on the genre of your book. These "book spines" will border the walls outside our classroom. Our goal is to have all five students with completed book logs each week so that by the end of the year our "book spines" will border the ENTIRE upstairs!! So please make sure you are reading nightly and logging in your books!!
P.S. Some other classes are joining in on the Chapter Book Challenge as well!
Posted by: V.
wow that was great, good job valerie it must be tuff doing the writeing
Awesome job Valerie!
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